PJ Masks Song – Cat Boy Friend Song ??❤️?

We use the PJ Masks toys, action figures and vehicles to star in our very own PJ Masks Cat Boy song. You can sing along with the “PJ Masks” chorus or learn all the words for each verse.

AdamInTheHat is our guest star to perform the song with a Loop Machine and Beat Boxing talent.

Here are the lyrics if you want to sing along.

Cat Boy Leader of the gang.
Pouncing into action whenever he can,
Cat Boy oldest of the three
He has awesome acrobatics and agility
He can bounce like he doesn’t weigh an ounce
He can run superfast is so much fun
He can hear far and near
When the baddies arrive he’s the first to dive into action.

PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks
PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks

With the Cat Car at the ready
You’d better get steady
As he zooms aorund the city
He’s a pretty speedy kitty.
With his awesome superpowers
He don’t need no hour
To save the day and put the bad guys away.

PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks
PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks

Cat Ears!!
He can hear what you say from far far away
So if you’re Romeo you better watch out.
Super Cat Jump!!!
He can jump super high like he’s reaching for the sky
He’ll defeat Luna Girl without a doubt.
Super Cat Speed!!
He can be where you need super quick with his cat speed
So Night Ninja you’d better Ninja Out
Most Important Power!!!
His powers are cool so don’t you be fooled
Because there’s one power that’s better than the rest
It’s his friendship you know with Owlette and Gekko
Cos together PJ Masks are the best.

PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks
PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks, PJ Masks

PJ Masks are the best
PJ Masks never rest
PJ Masks you best not fret
PJ Masks sing along
PJ Masks a cool song

PJ Masks Hatchimals ❤️ NEW ❤️ “Super City Run” Game Surprise

Here’s our fun Real Life (IRL) PJ Masks adventure where Owlette, Cat Boy and Gekko hatch from a Hatchimals egg. The adventure continues as they have to rappel down the tree and open the PJ Masks Treasure Chest to find a Brand New iPad game inside.

PJ Masks Super City Run is the new iOS, Android and Amazon Video-Game app from PJ Masks. It’s a top down action game where you collect all manner of power ups as you help Gekko, Cat Boy and Owlette get through to the end of each level.

PlayStation 4 Family Features – Game Share, Netflix, Spotify and PlayStation Plus

We have a look at the extended features on the PlayStation 4 and what difference this makes to families. In particular this includes a look at consuming media (Film, Music, TV, Netflix, iPlayer) as well as PlayStation Plus membership and the Share options that provides.

Previously we looked at PlayStation 4 games that worked well for families and tested them with some of the folks we work with:

PlayStation supported this video including access to games and hardware.

Xbox One Games Packed with Learning and Creativity

We worked with Xbox to test out the best games for family on Xbox One. From Minecraft to Forza Horizon 3 and Skylanders to FIFA we wanted to see how these games educated as well as entertained our family.

Along with the entertaining and engaging nature of each of these games the family were also challenged to pick-up skills like map reading, navigation, planning and strategy. There was also a lot of creativity required in games like Minecraft and Skylanders — where they had to design their own characters from scratch.

We also enjoyed stretching our memory by going back to play the Xbox 360 games supported on the Xbox One with backwards compatibility. Just pop the Xbox 360 disc in and you are ready to go — if you can remember where to go that is.

Video supported by Xbox including access to games and hardware.

MekaMon – $329 Spider Battle Robots – Gameplay & Interview

We get hands on with Reach Robotics new robot MekaMon. This is a high tech robot that moves like a spider and battles like a Call of Duty robot drone.

We have a look at the Trailer as well as Gameplay footage from Reach Robotics themselves.

$329 for MekaMon Starter Pack that includes the full robot and download of the app to control the gameplay.

We look at different game modes:
– Dropzone
– Tug of War
– Last Man Standing
– Campaign
– Co-op Control
– Two Player Battle
– Four Player Battle

Mechanized Warriors
MekaMon’s robots have gone through 27 iterations over three years of development to become premium fighting machines. Features include:
– Three degrees of freedom per leg allowing a sophisticated level of movement
– Customization by physical accessories that add weapons or shields, enabling the creation of aggressive, defensive or technical specialists
– One hour of battery life per charge
– Phone camera and infrared tracking system for precision gameplay
– Lightweight form factor (2.2 pounds) to enable swift battle strikes
